Q - How can I guarantee that the device that will be shipped to me is free of defects?
A - If you like a device on the site, contact us to order it now.
We choose the best case for your favorite device, and we shoot an explanatory video from all directions and send it to WhatsApp 01019112212
. If you like the case for the device, confirm the request by phone.
We ship it to you with a warranty invoice stamped by the company with a 30-day warranty

Q - And what guarantees me that you will fulfill what you mentioned above?
A - We are a company that relies on our reputation in the market, as most of our sales are through shipment.
Therefore, our continuity in the market is the best evidence of our good reputation, which we depend on in marketing our products to a large extent.
We are keen to satisfy our customers, and therefore the reputation of Mega Store, thanks to God, in the Egyptian market is trusted by everyone

What are the shipping conditions for the provinces?
After choosing your device and knowing the price details, you can now request shipping
We choose the best case for your favorite device and send a video of the device before shipping
Now we pack the device and fill it in a special carton and send it with Aramex for shipping
Shipping fees: from 150 to 350 pounds
Shipping dates are within two days, starting from the day following the shipping request, and Fridays or official holidays are not counted
The shipping company is responsible for delivery and collection of the rest of the amount, up to a maximum of 10,000 pounds
If the price of the device is more than 10,000 pounds, Vodafone Cash or Visa payment is sent through the shipping officer only 01285756702
⛔️ Note, there is no preview of the device upon receipt. The shipping company is responsible for delivery only

Q:Is installment available?
A: A: We provide installment service to Visa and Credit customers only, and there is no other installment method available at the present time. Note: The installment system and repayment period are determined with the bank through which the card is issued only